According to one study, 54% of the Americans who experience low back pain spend the majority of their workday sitting. If even you are spending the majority of your time sitting then below tips are for you.
‘Sitting is the new Smoking of our Generation‘. No matter, how fit or active you are. If you’re spending most of your time sitting then it is really bad for your health. Prolonged sitting will lead to many diseases. So, it is very important to cut time in your chair and stay active.
Stay Healthy While Sitting At Desk
If you’re spending the majority of your time while sitting at the desk then below 5 tips will help you. Just follow the below tips to stay active and healthy.
Take A 5 Minute Break
If you have a habit of working constantly for 4 to 5 hours then it is not a good sign. Instead, take a 5-minute break at every one hour. This will keep your body relax and active.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drink plenty of Water while sitting at your desk. This will keep you away from a headache and other such diseases. Further, you’ll go to the toilet for more number of times and thus it will cut your time in the chair.
Stretch Your Body and Relax
Do not work too long at your desk. At every one or two hours, take a 5-minute break and stretch your body and relax. In this 5-minute break, touch your toes, Stretch your body and do jumping jack to relax your body.
Change Your Body Posture
If you sit at the computer all the day then correct body posture is very important for you. A wrong body posture may result in neck, shoulder and back pain.
Check out below image to know the efficent working posture
Change Your Seat
Do not work for too long at one seat. Keep changing your seat. If you have an option to work at the standing desk then go for it. Standing desks are far better than the Sitting desks.
Further, do not talk with your colleagues on the Inter-Com, instead, stand up and walk to him personally. Walking is good for health.
Note: Following any single technique will not help you. For better result follow the all above-mentioned tips.
Now you turn. What are your tips? How do you stay healthy after sitting at computer all the day? Please share your tips in the below comment box.
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