
8 Ways To Not Get Distracted By Mobile Phone

8 Ways To Not Get Distracted By Mobile Phone

Mobile phone’s presence is a distraction to the brain. If you want to know how to stop distracted by your Smart Phone then read below.

In the modern living, Smart Phones are pretty much essential. In the event of an emergency, mobile phones can help you to reach the destination on time. No doubt, these days, it has become the essential instrument for the communication.

But, on the contrary, mobile phones also have a tendency to distract your brain.


Smart Phones Are Distracting Your Brain

When you wake in the morning, what is the first thing you do? You will check your mobile phone to see whether there is any new messages, emails or notifications. If you’re doing the same thing then don’t worry, you’re not alone. According to Deloitte Survey, 61% of people check their smartphones within 5 minutes of waking up.

Whether you are at an official meeting or family function, mobile phones have started distracting your mind at an unconventional time. According to a study conducted by SecurEnvoy, 77% of the teens reported anxiety and worries when they were without their mobile phones.

Nomophobia: A Mobile Phone Phobia

This kind of phobia of constantly checking your mobile phones is known as Nomophobia. Below we have listed out the different approach to stop mobile phones from distracting your mind.

Turn off Your Notification

The very first thing you need to do to avoid the distraction of your brain is ‘Turn Off Your Mobile Notification‘. There is no need of getting the notification for every new messages you received.

Push Up Notification of WhatsApp

Do you really need push notification on your mobile phone- especially when you are checking your mobile phones at every 10 minutes? If No, then turn off all push notifications from your mobile phones.

Social Media Application

Remove all Social Media Apps from your mobile phone. There is no need of keeping dedicated app for them. You can access the social media networking sites directly from your mobile web browser.

Uninstall Unnecessary Applications

Remove all the unnecessary applications from your mobile. There is no need of keeping more than one dedicated app for the same service.

Uninstall Mobile App from your Mobile

Buy Limited Internet Plan

Buy a limited internet plan for your mobile phone.Unlimited Plan may result in unnecessary consumption of Internet. If you buy an unlimited plan then you will end your day on the mobile only.

According to one study, the consumption of data through mobile broadband grew over six times after the launch of Jio. This was because Jio was offering free internet services to its users.

If you have a limited internet plan then you will think twice before using it. You will consume only when it is required.

Keep it Simple, Stupid

There is no need for purchasing a high tech mobile. A simple mobile phone with the basic features is enough for your daily requirement.

High Tech mobile has a number of extra features inbuilt. More features mean more option to explore and thereby more distraction. Do you really need such kind of mobile phone?

Start using Silent Notification

This is the best way to get notifications for every new message or email without getting distracted. With silent notifications, you’ll still see when there’s an email waiting for you, but your phone won’t beep or shake each time.

Turn Off Your Smart Phone

Turn off your smartphone once you’re back to home and you really don’t need it. It is always advisable to turn off the mobile phone before going to sleep or for important work.

Turn Off Mobile

If you can’t turn off the smartphone then you take the help of forwarding calls and messages also. Forward all calls and messages from your smartphone to the simple mobile phone.

Here, simple mobile phone means one which has only calling and messaging facility. For example, Nokia 3310.

Nokia 3310 Old Mobile Phone

Un-Subscribe From Spam Emails

Unsubscribe from the email subscriptions you no longer want and keep them out of your inbox. It will save your time and energy both.

To stop receiving spam emails, you take the help of online websites like Unroll, getunsubscriber etc. These websites allow you to unsubscribe from all unwanted email subscription at once. There is no need of unsubscribing it individually one by one.

Unsubscribe all Email Subscription at Once

Now your turn. If you’re using any other ways to stop mobile phones from distracting your mind then please share with us. You can share your answer in the below comment box.

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