Are you planning to start a profitable blogging website? If yes, then this article is for you. Here we will suggest you how to select high profitable topics for your website?
Please remember, the earning capacity of different blogs is different. All blogging websites will not have the same earning capacity. It depends on the type of advertisement it is showing on your website.Next, these advertisements further depend on its surrounding content.
So before starting your blogging journey, it is important to select the high paying niche for your website.Let us discuss some of them below;
Profitable High Paying Niche Blog Topics
Health & Fitness
One of the most profitable niches is ‘Health and Fitness’. Nowadays everyone is concern about their health and fitness. So there is a huge market for this kind of blog.
If you are planning to start a blog on it then there is chance that you will earn more money. Many different fields fall under this category like Increase weight, Burn Fat, homeopathy etc.
Family and Relationships
Another highest paying niche is ‘Family and Relationship’.Every day lots of people search on internet for helpful tips on the relationship. So there is a huge demand for this kind of blog. An ideal blog on Family & Relationship may contain tips on parenting, resolving family issues, tips on sex life etc.
Banking and Insurance
This is the highest paying niche topic.If you are planning to start a blog on banking and insurance then it will surely guarantee you more earning than others. CPC rate of this kind of advertisements is generally between 30 to 50 dollars.Many different fields fall under this category like the car insurance online quote, car insurance, cheap auto insurance etc.
A blog on Marketing will also help you to earn more money. Earning Capacity of this kind of blog is comparably more than others. Many different fields fall under this category like Digital Marketing, online marketing, email newsletter marketing etc.
Fans of celebrity are most excited to read GOSSIP about their favorite celebrities and Internet is the best source for the same. So, a blog on a celebrity will be a beautiful niche to start your blogging website.
These are the only few topics on which you can start the blogging. Besides these, you can even write a blog on Politics, Cricket, Online Dating etc.
You can check the CPC rate of these topics at keywordspy.
But one of the most important things to remember when picking a niche is that you must be interested in that niche. If you are not interested in the selected niche then you will not able to put the work in that.
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