
All About Online Business for Newbie

All About Online Business for Newbie

Are you a beginner in making money online? If yes, then this article is for you. This article is about ‘A beginner’s guide to Online Business’. Here, we will write about What is Online Business and how it works? This article is must for all beginner who even doesn’t know the meaning of basic SEO Terminologies. We are sure after reading this, your concept about SEO & Online Business will become clear.

Here, in this article, we will compare Offline Business with Online Business and try to understand how these Online Businesses works? We will also explain you the basic terminologies used in running any business online.


  1. In the below article, the words Online Business and Online Store are used interchangeably. Please do not get confused with these two words.
  2. This Post is for the newbie. If you are not new then please do not read this. 
  3. The main purpose of writing this post is to give you beginner level of knowledge on Online Business.

Below mentioned definitions are not real but it is written in such a way that, after reading these, it will become easy for a newbie to understand all SEO terms.

What do you mean by Online Business?

Online Stores are just like your Grocery Shop from where you purchase your Grocery. The location of the grocery shop will be your domain name ( once decided it can not be changed) and the name of the shop will be your Title Tag. Below image will clear your doubt.

What do you mean by Online Business Image Source

The above terminologies are explained below

Domain Name

Domain Name refers to your website location which can’t be changed once decided. It is just like your Shop Address which can’t be changed once settled.

Meta Description

It is a description of your website or shop. This description will appear on the Search Engine Result page.

Title Tag

It is a Name of the product of Post on your website or blog.

Search Engine Result Page

If online stores are similar to your physical stores then the way to run your online store should also be same, Right? Yes, to the certain extent it is same. For running the online store you need to do the same things that you will do for running your physical store.

In the virtual world, these activities are known as SEO ( Search Engine Optimization).  To know what is SEO, please read below.

What is SEO and How does it work?

In a very simple language, Search Engine Optimization refers to optimization techniques to tell search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc that your website or store is worthy to show in the search results.

Now, to learn how does SEO work? you need to first understand the basic terminology used in Search Engine Optimization and Online Businesses.

Once you understand these basic terminologies, it will be easy for you to understand how does it work?

SEO terms you should know

Below we have mentioned the basic SEO terms that you should know to understand how this online business work?


As the name suggests, keywords refer to words or phrases that allow your customers or users to find your web page.

Keywords in SEO

Here, the words like  Samsung, Nokia etc suggest that if you are looking for these products that you will find the same in this store. Similarly, based on this Keywords, Search Engine suggest your web page or store to the user online.

So, it is very important to use proper keywords for your online store. These keywords will decide who will come to your online store.


As the name suggests, it redirects your users from one address to another address. Here, address refer to URL For example

When you clicked on the below link, you will be redirected to the homepage rather than the said web page.

It is generally used to redirect users from non-existing page to another existing page. In above page, there is no such page and therefore the website is redirecting you to another location.

Redirect in Search Engine Optimization Image Source

The only difference in both redirects is in Online Business, you will get redirected automatically. There is no need of putting such notice on your website or online store.


It is a process to scan your website or online store and add the same to the online database. Your website or online store will not appear in the search result, without indexing your site.

It is something like a telephone directory, where you will find the details of your store. Similarly, the details of your website or online store will be available in this database.

Indexing in Search Engine Optimization

So, Indexing means saving all data in the book for future reference.

Off Page SEO Optimization

Off Page SEO Optimization refers to all measures that are taken outside the website or blog. For Example Forum Submission, Social Media Sharing etc.

These measures are taken for improving the position of your website on a Search Engine Result Page.

PG Room Ads

Please Note: Please do not consider this as Outdoor Advertisement. Actually, it is a submission of your website at other places.

So, all the action that you will take outside the website for improving its position will know as Off Page SEO Optimization Techniques.

On Page SEO Optimization

Unlike Off Page SEO, it refers to all measures that can be directly taken to the website. For Example Use of SEO Friendly URL, Use of Proper Keywords etc.

Of Course, these measures are also taken for improving the position of your website on a Search Engine Result Page. It will make your website more SEO Friendly.

On Page SEO Techniques

Please Note: Please do not confuse this word with ‘Marketing‘. On-Page Optimization is different from Marketing. Here, in On-Page Technique, you are trying to make your website more friendly whereas in case of Marketing you will try to attract more users.

Getting Confused? No Problem, let me help you.

On Page and Off page Optimization are consists of various techniques which will improve the position of your website. If properly used then it will help you to rank your website on the first page of the Search Engine.

Difference between On Page Optimization and Off Page Optimization

Canonical Link

When same content is available at more than one location then there are the chances that your website get penalized for the duplicate content. Yes,  Search Engine like Google does not like the Duplicate Content. You will find the more details at below link.

How Duplicate Content impact your Website?

This problem can be resolved using Canonical Link. Canonical Link is an HTML Tag which determines the original source of the content.

Just check out the below two links.Both the links are redirecting to single content.


Search Engine like Google will consider these links as Duplicate and can penalize your website. To avoid this problem, you can take the help of Canonical Link. Canonical Link will look something similar to this.

HTML Tag ‘msg2928/?topicseen#msg2928'will determine the original source of content and ask Google not to consider these both links as Duplicate.


As the name suggests, it is a map of your website. It will share the location of all items available on your website.

There are two types of Sitemap. First for the User and another for the Search Engine. Example for both sitemaps are given below

Sitemap for Users

Sitemap for Search Engine ( For sitemap, Google only consider .XML File)


it is a process of collecting information about your website. Google bot will visit your website and read each and every web page for collecting information about it.

In simple word, Google will crawl your website like a Spider and collect all information in an online database. The same database is used for showing the result in Search Engine Result Page.

Above all, are only a few terminologies of SEO. There are many others. But fora newbie these terms are enough.

Google Consider all these factors for showing the result in its Search Engine Result Page. If you are good in all these factors then your website will be on the first page of the Search Engine Result Page.

This entire process is known as Search Engine Optimization for your Website.

Benefits Of Search Engine Optimization

Benefits of Search Engine Optimization is very clear. If you don’t do the SEO, then your website will appear on the last page of the Google Search Engine Result Page. No one will visit your website and it will get lost in the online world.

So, it is necessary to do Search Engine Optimization to improve the position of your website on Search Engine Result Page.


We hope now you are clear with the basic working model of the Online Store and Website. It is almost similar to your Offline Business. The only difference is that here it is known by some other name and it is done online.

If you know how to do SEO then you can improve the position of your website in Search Result and thereby attract more users. More User means more traffic and thereby more money.

Now, your turn. If you have any question then feel free to contact us. We will happy to help you.

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