What are the basic on page SEO tips for my blog?

Questions Category: Search Engine Optimization What are the basic on page SEO tips for my blog?
techshristi Staff asked 11 months ago

Can you please share some tips for on page optimization of blog post. What are the points that i should kept in mind while writing the article.

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1 Answers
Love U Marketing Staff answered 11 months ago

Below are 10 basic tips for the on-site optimization

  1. The title of the post must be unique and in between 25 to 65 words.
  2. Meta description of the post must be unique with focus keywords
  3. Ensure all the images are properly named.
  4. Use Proper Meta Keywords in the Post
  5. Proper keywords are used while writing the post.
  6. Avoid using the stops words in the URL address
  7. The length of the post should contain minimum 300 words.
  8. Ensure you use the focus keyword are used in the first paragraph of the blog
  9. Do not hide your emotions while writing the post. Use emoji if required.
  10. Proper use of title tag in the blog post will help in improving SEO score.


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