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Google is rolling out a Link Spam update now

Google is rolling out link spam update in December 2022

On 5th December 2022, Google announced publicly through its Twitter account the rollout of helpful content in Google Search.

If you think this is the last update from Google, let me tell you you’re wrong.

Google has come out with yet another update named ‘Link Spam‘ on 14th December 2022.

Google Tweet on Link Spam update in December 2022

Attaching the snapshot of Google’s tweet below. You can refer to the below snapshot if in case the above tweet is not visible or properly appearing in the blog post.

Google tweet on Link Spam Update in December 2022
Google tweet on Link Spam (SpamBrain) update in December 2022

This new update will leverage the power of SpamBrain and neutralize the impact of unnatural links on search results. Needless to say, it a time for high-quality links now.

The new update will target sites with a high number of low-quality backlinks. It will also penalize websites that use automated tools to create backlinks.

In simple words, this change is an attempt to improve the overall quality of search results by eliminating sites that got promoted by building spammy links online.

Will Link Spam Update Affect My Site?

Link Spam update will take about two weeks to complete the rollout. So, it is too early to comment on ‘Whether it will affect your site or not?’

However, Google through its blog post, confirms that the ranking of your site will change since this update will neutralize spammy links and any credit being passed by it on search results.

Link Spam updates will impact your site or not?
Link Spam updates will impact your site

This update will affect all languages and hence will have a widespread impact online.

What if my site gets affected by this update?

If in case your site gets affected by this update, don’t worry. There is a way to get out of this.

All you need to do is stop building unnatural links for your site online.

Moreover, ensure you follows Google’s best practices regarding building backlinks online. You may refer to this blog post for more information.

At last, if you want to learn more about this update, then don’t hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to answer all your queries. You can also leave your message in the comment box below.

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