In simple language, Hashtag Marketing is a word or group of words written after the sign #. For example: #shareacoke, #embroidery ect. Remember it can be a word or group of words without any space between words.
Technically, it is like Meta Key Words used. Through this key words you can easily identified the content trending or shared with the same hashtag.
Now a days, #hashtag marketing is used for promoting brand,product,campaign etc. Example of successful hashtag marketing are #OreoHorrorStories,#everydropcounts, #audiforlife etc.

#shareaCoke Hashtag Campaign
One can create its own hashtag and ask their customer to share this hashtag over their social media profile.similarly, you can also promote the campaign or any offer over the social networks. Remember keep the hashtag small and easy to remember. In below image Embroideryshristi. Com, an online website selling embroidery designs online has created a hashtag called as #embroideryshristi.

Embroideryshristi Hashtag
Below are the some tips for promoting through hashtag
a) Keep it simple and short
b) Use one unique hashtag on all social network
c) Ask your customer to use your hashtag while sharing or tagging your product
d) You can even organize a contest asking your customer to use your hashtag for beautiful prizes.
Various hashtag tools like,, etc are available online for finding the trending post. One need to simply post the hashtag and find the trending post in all social network.

#shareacoke search result