One of the newest forms of social media that is now being utilized by businesses is Instagram. Fundamentally, the site was used by individuals to share images with friends and followers, but 99 Firms show in the informative graphic below how many businesses realize the tremendous marketing potential of the platform and jump right in.
In 2016, Instagram Stories was introduced and immediately became a huge hit for businesses and individuals, with over 300 million people using the feature every single day.
Instagram Stories is an almost Snapchat-like feature that allows users to create photo and video sequence that is only shown for 24 hours.
On average, users who are under 25 spend around 32 minutes a day on Instagram, so it is no wonder that it is a business that marketers want to tap into such a potentially lucrative market. It immediately provides an opportunity for businesses to promote their brands and connect with new audiences.
There is still a huge number of brands out there that have yet to look into this new form of marketing. If you are one of them, you could be left behind by your competition.
The infographic below can help you out if you are just getting started on your Instagram journey. It shows 30 great examples of how various businesses use Instagram Stories to promote their business successfully.
Instagram Stories
From these case studies, you will be able to get tips and ideas that you could utilize in your own marketing strategies, and it will only be a matter of time before you start seeing some serious results.
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