If you want to start a blog and make money then this article is really must for you. This article will share one important point to make your blog successful. Trust, after reading this article, you will definitely find a way out to make your blog successful.
Always remember, creating a successful blog and make money is not easy job. You will require lots of hardwork and dedication to make your blog successful.
Next, this hardwork and dedication will only pay if you get out of your comfort zone and fear of getting failed.
I’m sure in your blogging journey you have faced this many a times. You will come across a situation where you will think that ‘Blogging is completely waste of your time‘.
If you facing this situation then don’t worry. You are not alone. Even I have faced the same thousands of times.
Yes, many a times I think ‘I’m completing wasting my time in writing blog posts’. Nothing is going to happen. I will not make any money from it.
But, I was wrong. Actually, I was in the comfort zone and has a fear of getting failed in mind.
Confused? Let’s us understand this with an easy example
After managing the blog for one year and writing hundreds of guest posts online, if you gets only 100 page views per day, What will you do?
I am sure you will stop writing guest posts any more.
Have you ever wonder, Why? Why you will stop writing guest posts?
The reason is obvious. The Guest Posting technique is not working. Hence, it is better to stop writing it.
But, there is one more reason to stop writing guest posts. It is your comfort zone and fear of getting failed. Instead of looking at 100 page views per day, you are focusing at something else.
In this case, I strongly suggest to keep writing guest posts online. Remember, writing guest posts and traffic is not directly co-related to each other. It may be possible that you start gaining traffic with your 101th guest post.
I agree, there must be a concert evidence to make this statement. But, trust me, everyday you will find thousand of reasons to stop writing.
Just sit back and think, I am sure, you will always find yourself demotivated and wants to stop blogging. You will think, What the hell you are doing. It is simply a waste of time. You will not gain anything buy writing blog posts. Your blog is not going to be successful.
In this case, it is very important to stay out of this negative feeling and feel motivated to blog.
Let me share my real story here.
I started my online store ‘EmbroideryShristi‘ selling ‘Machine Embroidery Designs’ online in 2011. Initially for one year I was very excited to add new embroidery designs to my store. But then I started feeling demotivated because I was not getting any order on my store.
But instead of closing my store. I continue adding new designs to it. Today, my store has more than 6000 embroidery designs selling world wide.
I know many of you guys may be thinking – I may have enough time and resource to continue to my business.
But, let me tell you. In 2011, I was doing my first year of Post Graduation and I used to work late night to grow my business.
Believe or not? During my initial period I used to work between 00 to 02 AM at night.
Yes, many a times, I used to think, Why I am running this business? If it is not making any money online than rather I should close it.
But, I come out of my comfort zone and create a successful business.
Hence, the only way to create successful blog is to come out of comfort zone and fear of getting failed.
Challenge yourself daily and do something that scares you. For example,
- Published long blog Posts consisting 4000 to 5000 words
- Write a long comment above 1000 words
- Keep Promoting your Blog Online etc.
The conclusion of the story is– Everyday you will feel demotivated to write blog post. You will thousands of reasons to stop blogging. But, Keep blogging and wait for your time. Trust, ‘APANA TIME AYEGA‘.