The marketing yearbook is an integral part of an excellent marketing plan. You must manage and implement marketing tasks such as brochures, mailings, calls, media campaigns, and other network techniques in real time. This is made able by understanding how to use marketing yearbook effectively. The marketing yearbook is a twelve-month description of how you are planning your marketing efforts as a business owner. But how do you optimize its purpose? Read on.
Constant Follow-up Of Your Marketing Yearbook
You must understand that a marketing calendar is a dynamic tool that is prone to change over time. However, understanding your business goals and needs is paramount when formulating the yearbook’s contents. There are multiple tools that you could use to write down your yearbook’s content. Depending on what’s readily available, you may use Outlook Office on Microsoft or ordinary spreadsheets. Be sure to use a tool that you can easily access during your routine activities for natural follow-up on your goals and targets.
Content To Include In The Marketing Yearbook
Most marketing yearbooks attain relevance when broken down to weeks or months of the year, addressing various marketing tasks. Your marketing yearbook should have the following columns:
- Business targets– targets are anything your marketing campaign or strategy hopes to achieve at the end of a timeline. Targets give yearbook relevance. You could define these goals by adding timeframes and deadlines. Also, it would be helpful if you were flexible to change and setting realistic targets.
- Include achievements– underline all results realized within the set timeframes. They help keep you motivated.
- Have an editorial yearbook– since your marketing yearbook cannot hold all content necessary in keeping your goals relevant, you may consider having an editorial yearbook. The editorial yearbook keeps a tab of all tasks included in the primary marketing yearbook.
- Include personal events– your marketing yearbook should focus on your business needs. However, to ensure they don’t conflict with your life, you may consider adding individual events such as marketing meetings, trade shows, and advert conferences into the program.
Organizing Your Marketing Yearbook
The organization is at the core of every consistently flowing process or system. The marketing yearbook is no exception. Here’s how you organize your marketing yearbook:
- Partition into layers– it’s advisable to partition the yearbook into easily manageable sections. Include holidays, seasons, and plans falling in various timelines. You could partition them in quarterly annual plans or monthly depending on how busy the year looks.
- Set monitoring periods- to determine if your marketing yearbook is relevant, you need to set periods of the year where you get to analyze the progress and goals. As earlier mentioned, the yearbook is subject to alterations and adjustments.
- Spread out activities equally- this ensures that your yearbook spreads tasks evenly to avoid allocating too many functions in one period and leaving another idle. Maintain even activity throughout the marketing yearbook.
A marketing yearbook seems like a simple tool and is often underestimated by many marketers. However, as seen above, with the right tool, you are better placed to realize your goals and focus on other unaccomplished targets.