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9 Simple Ways to Get More Content Exposure

Simple Ways to Get More Content Exposure

Content Creation is one of the best ways to grow traffic and increase sales online. However, this will only work if your created content gets more exposure online.

Every day millions of blog posts are published online. However, only 10% of them get the required exposure. The remaining 90% are virtually untouched online.

This is because bloggers who created those contents did not appreciate blog promotion. Simply. they were under the assumption that- if they create the awesome content online then users will find them automatically.

However, this is not possible. Without blog promotion ideas, your content will not get the required exposure.

Consequently, it is pertinent to promote your blog and thereby drive more traffic to it.

Get more Content Exposure

The below blog post will help you in achieving this.

Trust that after implementing the below techniques, you’ll definitely find an increase in the exposure of your content.

So, What are we waiting for? Let’s dive in to learn how to get more content exposure online?

1. Keyword Optimization

Keyword optimization (also known as Keyword Research) is a process to find and use the best keywords in the content. Such keywords will have

  1. High Search Volume
  2. Low Competition and
  3. Related to your content

Obviously, the entire purpose behind doing this activity is to generate traffic to your content.

More traffic means more exposure to your content.

Here, you can take the help of Keyword Research Tools like Keyword Planner, Smerush, Ahref, Google Instant Search, etc to research and find the best keywords to use in your content.

These tools are capable enough to generate a list of keywords within a click.

2. Social Media Promotion

If you’re looking to target a very large audience at a low cost then Social Media sites are the best place for you. They are not only cost-effective but also comprise half of the total world’s population on it.

Social Media can be a great marketing tool if you want to get wide exposure in a very short time. No matter, what’s your blogging niche? We’re sure it will work every time.

Below, we have shared a few powerful ways to promote your content on Social Media sites effectively.

a. Join Facebook Groups

Facebook group is the most powerful way to promote your content on Facebook for free. Tons of Facebook groups are out there in every niche. You can join these groups to promote your content, ask questions, poll, and more.

For Example, EmbroideryShristi has joined many Facebook groups (related to ‘Machine Embroidery Designs’) to promote their daily freebies.

Facebook Groups

b. Create a Fan Page

Fan Page is another great way to promote your content on social sites. All you need is to create a fan page for your brand and thereby share your content on it at regular intervals.

Whatever content you shared on your fan page will be visible to all followers who follow your page.

In this way, you can expose your content to a large audience in a single click.

c. Try Paid Advertisements

Paid advertisement is the best way to get results immediately. You can use them either to drive traffic to your blog and/or increase the number of likes on your fan page.

Always remember, for better results, you should share the same content multiple times only.

Furthermore, you can also track and optimize your social media campaign as per your requirement.

3. Publish a Blog Post Consistently

No one likes a blog that publishes blog posts during an irregular period.

No matter how many blog posts you published in a day or week? If you’re publishing one blog post per week then kindly follow the same frequency in the future.

Your readers should know at what frequency you are publishing a new blog post on your blog?

This will help you to keep your readers engaged and increase your blog exposure online.

4. Content Repurposing

Content Repurposing means using the same content in different formats online. For example, you can convert your written blog posts into PDF file and allows your users to download them.

Similarly, you can convert your blog posts into a video and upload them on any video-sharing website.

In such ways, your content will reach more users and will generate more exposure online.

5. Co-Branding

Co-Branding is the most effective strategy to reach an entirely new segment of consumers without incurring any additional cost.

In this strategy, you will pair with another brand to promote your content and vice versa.

For example, Reliance Jio is paired with Apple iPhone in the below advertisement.

Jio and Apple iPhone Advertisement

Similarly, you can pair with other bloggers online to promote each other content.

6 Email Marketing

Email Marketing is the oldest but most effective tool for increasing traffic to your blog.

Once you build the email list, share an auto-email with them whenever new content is added to your blog.

In this way, your users will come to know about your new content, and also helps you to increase its exposure.

But, this will work only if you have a golden list of email subscribers.

So initially, you should focus on building a huge email list. This will become easier if you follow the tips given in the below blog post.

Grow your Email List for better results

7. Posting meaningful comments on other’s blogs

Besides building backlinks, posting comments on others’ blogs can help you on improving your presence online.

However, this will work only if you’re posting meaningful and interesting comments on others’ blogs. No one will appreciate your simple ‘Thank You’ comment on their blog posts.

In simple words, Blog Commenting is one of the most effective ways to grow your presence online and redirect users to your blog for FREE.

8. Start a Vlog

‘Vlog’ is a form of a blog where most of the content is been shared in the video format only. For example, uploading videos on Youtube, Facebook, Dailymotion, etc.

By converting your content into video format you will not only repurpose your content but also increase its exposure.

According to one study, video content is 1200% more successful than other content.

So starting a vlog is a good idea for increasing the content exposure.

9. Email Signature

Do you know? You can increase your content exposure by simply mentioning the link to your blog in your email signature.

Email Signature is another one of the most effective and free ways to promote your blog online.

We’re sure you will be sharing hundreds of emails per month. In this way, you can promote your blog to hundreds of users every month for FREE.

Wrapping Up

Content exposure is the key to building a successful blog online. If your content is getting more exposure then chances are higher that it will receive more traffic to it and thereby your blog will get famous online.

Above all are different ways to increase your content exposure. You can contact us through the ‘Content Us’ page or leave a message in the below comment box if in case any clarification or additional details is required.

We will be happy to help you.

At last, how do you increase your content exposure? Don’t forget to share this in the below comment box.

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